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Project  /  Expected impact

Expected Impacts of RES-MAB Project

The RES-MAB project aims to achieve significant impacts within the Water, Energy, Food, and Ecosystems (WEFE) sectors by integrating the Nexus perspective into climate policies and incorporating adaptation into development plans. Here’s a summary of these objectives:

Understanding Linkages:

Highlighting the connections between climate change and development priorities, while focusing on the surrounding governmental, institutional, and political contexts.

Changing Perspectives:

Promoting a shift in perception among policymakers by managing biosphere reserves in an integrated manner, thereby enhancing the transfer of technology and knowledge towards new procedures and digital tools.

Integrating Adaptation and Mitigation:

Incorporating adaptation and mitigation issues into ongoing policy processes to identify potential climate change adaptation needs, supported by comprehensive, cross-cutting policy approaches.

Win-Win Strategies:

Identifying actions within the WEFE sectors that address climate change while also providing developmental benefits, ensuring mutually beneficial outcomes.

Collaborating with Experts:

Engaging with mainstreaming specialists and adaptation experts to leverage their knowledge and expertise, enhancing the overall effectiveness of the project’s efforts.