The Women’s Information and Advisory Center for Equality (CIAMI) of Villaquilambre collaborates with the Alto Bernesga Biosphere Reserve in specialized training on equality. This Friday, CIAMI hosted a training session in the plenary hall of La Pola under the title “How do we apply gender equality in our territory?”, as part of the European RES-MAB project. CIAMI has become a provincial benchmark in equality matters, and the mentioned biosphere reserve requested Villaquilambre’s collaboration to fulfill part of its European commitments.
RES-MAB brings together seven Biosphere Reserves from across the Mediterranean, each from a different country (Jordan, Slovenia, Lebanon, Italy, Morocco, France, and Spain). The project is led by the Forest Science and Technology Centre of Catalonia (CTFC). Its objective is to promote an integrated approach to the relationship between water, energy, food, and ecosystems (WEFE) to accelerate the transformation of Mediterranean Biosphere Reserves into more resilient landscapes adapted to climate change.
The Alto Bernesga Reserve is the only Spanish participant in the project and leads one of the work packages focused on training and gender equality. Additionally, Alto Bernesga is responsible for developing a Gender Equality Plan that will be implemented in the participating biosphere reserves to promote best practices in gender perspective. The aim is to create a useful guide for managers of the different reserves and decision-makers to develop their own gender equality plans, integrating them into their action plans and daily management.
Fundación Reserva de Biosfera Alto Bernesga